• Dreamlike open-air cinema

    ‘Maria dreams’ was the title of the film at this year’s open-air cinema in the garden. It really was an evening to dream. Around 60 cinema-goers gathered in the garden in the best weather and with a fantastic backdrop. Among…

  • Fermented Fascinated

    On a Sunday that was far too warm, we held our ‘Fermented Fascinated’ workshop at the TransitionHaus. With 20 people, we spent a great day centred around kimchi, kombucha and water kefir.The organising team (Kirsten, Hanna and Maike) started the…

  • Summer concert by Diana4Monday

    It was a marvellous day in the garden. From midday, our friends from Bunt statt Braun were on site with their former meeting and fired up the pizza oven. The crowning finale was the concert by Diana4Monday in the evening.…

  • Garden opening

    Finally out in the garden again! With the last rays of the afternoon sun, we were able to reopen the season in our Gärten der Begegnung on Friday 8 March. As every year, the fire pit was set up and…

  • Open-Air Cinema

    The open-air cinema in the garden exceeded all expectations this year. Attracted by warm temperatures and above all dry weather, an estimated 100 people came to the garden to see “Rumba Therapy”. There was no dancing in the audience but…

  • Summer party in the garden

    With wonderful summer temperatures and surrounded by growing greenery and colorful blossoms, we invited all Bayreuth residents to the open summer festival at the beginning of July. As busy as the bees in our beds, we have really dressed up…

  • Herbal walk and green Smoothies

    The warm, sunny Saturday afternoon called for refreshment. We met in the garden to look for herbs together and rewarded ourselves with a delicious green smoothie. First, we learnt what is important in a green smoothie: it consists of fruit…

  • Start to the new Gardening Season at the Bondfire

    With a great evening around the campfire, we officially started the new garden year at the end of March. The rain disappeared right on time and everyone who came to the garden was rewarded with a beautiful sunset. To start,…