Fermented Fascinated

On a Sunday that was far too warm, we held our ‘Fermented Fascinated’ workshop at the TransitionHaus. With 20 people, we spent a great day centred around kimchi, kombucha and water kefir.
The organising team (Kirsten, Hanna and Maike) started the day with a little stage fright. However, this instantly turned into pure fun because the participants all got involved straight away. There was a great exchange in the groups and everyone worked together to make delicious drinks and kimchi.
We were particularly pleased that we were able to bring very different people together, right across the age groups and Bayreuth. Over lunch, we shared our experiences with overly spicy kimchi experiments and the kombucha trend of the 80s.
In the final round, water kefir turned out to be the secret star of the day. Everyone had a lot of fun, especially the great atmosphere and working together were emphasised.
We are planning another small meeting after the summer holidays where the participants can share their successes and probably also their failures. Hopefully we will then be able to try many different Kombucha and water kefir variations.

Many thanks to everyone who took part.

We would also like to thank the Adalbert Raps Foundation for funding the workshop.