Sunny fall festival with singer and songwriter Susann Karadah

We celebrated our autumn festival in glorious sunshine on the last Sunday in September as part of the Intercultural Week 2023. Numerous association members gathered in the gardens with family and friends in warm temperatures to celebrate the rich harvest after months of intensive work.

As usual, a buffet with all kinds of drinks and homemade food – sweet and savory delicacies – was offered for the celebration against a small donation. New visitors also came to the gardens to take a look at the diverse beds that change with the seasons. The remaining vegetables, fruit, herbs and especially the flowers were admired in abundance. Meanwhile, the children played happily in the garden and the sunny day invited them to discover nature with all their senses.

The musical performance by singer Susann Karadah, who traveled from Dresden especially for us, was a special highlight and was eagerly awaited. With her outstanding voice and unique fusion of reggae, soul, pop and jazz, she brought lovely melodies to our garden. Both her own compositions and well-known songs touched the hearts of the audience.

This year’s autumn festival delighted young and old alike and the cozy atmosphere lasted well into the late afternoon. As always, a big thank you goes to all the helpers who made the event possible with their great commitment. We are already looking forward to next year and further joint festivals in our lively garden landscape.