Autumn Festival at the Garden
There is no bad weather, only wrong clothes!
This was the motto of the autumn festival of the Gardens of Encounter on 25.09.2022. Many hard-working helpers prepared everything in the morning in bright sunshine for a beautiful afternoon in the garden.
The tables were beautifully decorated with sloes, the clay oven was heated, vegetables were chopped, and colors were mixed.
In view of the ambiguous weather forecast, everything was covered with pavilions as a precaution.
Right on time with the first song of the band Karisma it started to rain. However, neither the band nor the guests were deterred by this. While some danced to the music under the pavilions with a hot soup in their hands, others brought color into the gray afternoon by painting calabashes under the guidance of Noel Anasael.
We would have wished for sunshine, but fortunately cake tastes good even in the rain.
A big thank you to all the hardworking hands and all the guests for a great afternoon!
For the dismantling in the early evening, it stopped raining again.