Open-Air Cinema at the Garten

It is always a great pleasure to spend a late summer evening with open-air films, freshly baked breads, warm veggie soup, great drinks and the lovely Gärten der Begegnung community.

In the evening of August 27, our annual Open-Air Kino event took place in our beloved location in collaboration with the Kino ist Programm e.V. The VolXküche – Küche für Alle! team from the TransitionHaus Bayreuth catered delicious pumpkin soup, along with homemade flatbreads freshly baked in our wood-fired oven onsite, topped with vegetables and fresh herbs directly from our garden. Steps away from the oven, the Orga-team also set up a drink-fun station, providing attendees a wide range of refreshing drinks and popcorns.

Amid the hot and dry summer of this year, the evening was surprisingly chilly and humid, yet it did not stop our enthusiastic members, friends and family from coming from every directions of the city. As the night fell, candles and twinkle lights were lit. The film team then showed a succession of short films, followed by the star of the night, the suprise film.

Author and Pictures: Hui